App.Builder.2016.138 FUlLL

App Builder is a finished visual environment that permit us to make, with or without programming information, HTML5 and half breed applications for the web and cell phones.

    Visual designer  : App Builder furnish us with many visual and non visual controls we can essentially drop it in the application's planner. Clocks, HTTP Clients, Text Inputs, Push Buttons and numerous more controls prepared to utilize.  
    Based in actions : You no compelling reason to know JavaScript to make applications. Application Builder scripting is situated in visual helped activities that we can use to do whatever we needed. Several activities are accessible out of the case.  
    Completely extensible : App Builder's applications can be stretched out from various perspectives. We can utilize JavaScript notwithstanding the activity's based script. We can create and utilize outsider App Builder's JavaScript modules furthermore Apache Cordova™ modules.
    Release Names: App.Builder.2016.138
    Size: 10,20 MB

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